Governor Susan Kihika has provided a comprehensive overview of the Nakuru County Government’s performance, policies and plans, emphasizing a commitment to citizen well-being and adherence to national values.
Health Sector:
Governor Kihika emphasized the pivotal role of a robust health sector in societal prosperity, citing investments exceeding 40 per cent of the county budget. Notable achievements include the completion and refurbishment of health facilities, procurement of medical equipment and boosting the healthcare workforce through promotions and training initiatives. The Community Health Promoters’ Program, launched with over 3,000 participants, aims to further enhance community health efforts.
The county witnessed substantial infrastructure improvements, with significant investments in road construction, maintenance, and urban development projects. Noteworthy accomplishments include the completion of road projects, paving of municipal parks, and progress in stadium renovations. Plans include extensive road grading and gravelling, alongside stadium finalizations and footbridge constructions.
Water, Environment, and Climate Change:
Efforts to enhance water accessibility, sanitation and environmental sustainability were highlighted, including borehole drilling, water pipeline expansion and climate change mitigation initiatives. The County Climate Action Plan and tree planting initiatives highlight the commitment to environmental stewardship.
Land, Physical Planning, Housing, and Urban Development:
Governor Kihika detailed strides in land management, electronic application systems, housing developments, and informal settlement upgrades. Notable achievements include completing land management systems, spatial planning, and the issuance of title deeds, alongside plans for additional affordable housing units and urban centre management enhancements.
Education, ICT and e-Government:
The County’s dedication to education and ICT advancement was highlighted through investments in early Childhood Development, Vocational training and student bursaries. Ongoing programs include the employment of teachers, school feeding initiatives and infrastructure development to support learning centres.
Youth, Sports, Gender and Social Inclusivity:
Governor Kihika emphasized initiatives aimed at youth empowerment, sports development, and gender equality, including the establishment of youth empowerment centres, sports policies, and social infrastructure projects.
The agriculture sector received significant support, with interventions targeting small-scale farmers, value chain development and climate-smart agriculture initiatives. Efforts to boost productivity through seedling distribution, fertilizer subsidies and cooperative support were highlighted, alongside investments in fish production and post-harvest management.
Trade, Industrialization, Cooperatives and Tourism:
Governor Kihika outlined initiatives to spur economic growth through trade facilitation, market improvements, and cooperative empowerment. Plans for special economic zones, industrial parks and tourism promotion highlight the county’s economic diversification efforts.
Public Service and Finance:
Governor Kihika underscored efforts to enhance public service delivery, financial management and citizen engagement. Notable achievements include revenue collection enhancements, HR information system development, staff training initiatives, alongside plans for policy development and public consultation processes.
County Policies, Plans and National Values:
The Governor highlighted ongoing efforts to develop targeted policies and plans across various sectors, alongside a commitment to citizen engagement, transparency and adherence to national values. Public participation initiatives, dispute resolution mechanisms and procurement reforms demonstrate the county’s commitment to accountable governance.
Governor Kihika concluded her address with a reaffirmation of the county government’s dedication to improving livelihoods through strategic interventions and collaborative efforts with stakeholders. As Nakuru County strides forward, its promise of prosperity and inclusivity remains on its agenda.