ID |
Subject |
Notice of Motion |
Mover |
Division |
Debated & Concluded |
Remarks |
1. |
THAT, aware that Nakuru County is endowed with several revenue generating avenues; NOW THEREFORE, This House resolve that the CEC, Finance and Economic Planning to appoint the County Receive of Revenue as required by Section 5 of the Nakuru County Revenue Administration Act, 2016, and accordingly, notify the Assembly of the appointment. |
14/2/2018 |
Hon. Simon Mwangi |
20/2/2018 |
adopted |
2. |
THAT, aware that Nakuru County has become an investment destination for many Kenyans, resulting to numerous construction of homes and other commercial buildings; NOW THEREFORE, This assembly resolves that the CEC lands, Housing and Physical Planning to consider developing a digital platform to support online approval of building plans. |
14/2/2018 |
Hon. Peter Karanja Mburu |
21/2/2018 |
passed |
3. |
THAT aware that schedule four to the constitution mandated the county governments be in charge of water and sanitation services ; further aware that Nakuru county has several water companies including NAWASCO, NARUWASCO, NAIVASCO among others; Appreciating that the Article 43 1(c) states that “every person has the right to clean and safe water in adequate quantities” |
27/2/2018 |
Hon. Moses Ndungu |
28/2/2018 |
passed |
4. |
2. THAT aware that Article 54 of the constitution recognizes the rights and entitlement of persons with disability; Further aware that that this House passed the Nakuru County Persons with disability Act no.12 of 2016 which establishes the Nakuru County Board for persons with disability, whose function is to, among other things, “put in place programs for self-employment for generation of income for persons with disability; b) THAT, the county Government through the CEC, Gender and Social Welfare and the Nakuru County persons with Disability Board updates the database of all persons living with severe disability and further to set aside some funds to supplement the cash transfer Programme by the National Government; |
27/2/2018 |
Hon. Isaac Wahome |
28/2/2018 |
passed |
5. |
THAT, aware that Nakuru County hosts several public and private hospitals, further aware that the hospitals play vital roles in terms of provision of healthcare services and other related community outreach programmes; |
6/3/2018 |
Hon. Joyce Anyiso |
15/3/2018 |
passed |
6. |
THAT aware that county governments are mandated under the fourth schedule to the constitution to handle fire-fighting services and disaster management; further aware that Nakuru is a vast county geographically thus requires decentralized services in various aspects ;Cognizant that the county has experienced some of the worst fire disasters in the past, specifically in Naivasha, Molo, Sechangwan, Salgaa, Nakuru town among other areas; Appreciating that the county government has endeavored to acquire a few fire-fighting equipment’s but due to the vastness of the county, such are unable to effectively respond to fire incidences in the entire county; Concerned that the county is likely to continue losing lives and properties through fire incidences if strategies are not put in place to prevent and mitigate the effect of fire outbreaks; This house urges the county government to consider purchasing at least five fire engines to be stationed across the county such that every two neighboring sub-counties are serviced by one fire engine. |
7/3/2018 |
Hon. Michael Njoroge Karanja |
14/3/2018 |
passed |
7. |
THAT aware that sports and cultural activities is a devolved function; further aware that Nakuru County boasts of several sporting activities including ball games and athletics; Cognizant that our county is a melting pot of cultural diversities; Noting that sporting activities are important in contributing to community identity and serves as a focal point for engagement, and a medium to reach persons of diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds; |
21/3/2018 |
Hon. Eddy Kiragu |
21/3/2018 |
passed |
8. |
THAT, aware that Nakuru County largely depends on Agriculture as a major economic activity, further aware that various forms of agriculture are practiced in different parts of the county; |
21/3/2018 |
Hon. Kibet Kurgat |
22/3/2018 |
passed |
9. |
THAT WHEREAS the County Government owns several equipment’s including machineries , motor vehicles and other construction equipment’s; acknowledging that most of the equipment’s were purchased several years before and have since become inefficient and prone to breakdowns; Further aware that the county government spends huge sums of money in maintaining and repairing such equipment’s; appreciating that sections 163 and 164 of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act no 33 of 2015 provides for the procedure of disposing unserviceable , obsolete and obsolescent equipment’s or assets, which among other things include formation of a committee to verify and process all disposal recommendations in liaison with the relevant heads of procurement; CONCERNED that failure to explore the disposal mechanisms provided for in law to dispose the obsolete equipment’s, the county government shall continue incurring unjustified expense on maintenance of the equipment’s; NOW THEREFORE pursuant to the provisions of sections 163, 164, 165 and 166 of the public procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015, this House resolves that the county Government considers disposing obsolete and unserviceable equipment’s to save the county government from unnecessary expenditure on maintenance and repairs |
3/10/2018 |
Hon. Zacharia Kairu |
9/10/2018 |
Adopted |
10. |
That whereas part two of fourth Schedule to the constitution of Kenya assigns the county governments powers to be in charge of county transport, including county roads; Appreciating that Nakuru county has several road networks including access and feeder roads; Noting that increase in uncontrolled human activities has resulted to encroachment of the said roads cognizant that there exists several legal documents including legislations and survey plans indicating specific measurements in width in every category of roads; Concerned that failure to ensure strict adherence to the road specification may encourage encroachment and putting up of illegal structures along the road reserves, this House resolve as follows: a) The department of infrastructure to immediately begin inspection of all access and feeder roads and ensure all illegal structures falling within the roads as indicated in the plan are cleared and necessary action taken on the offenders b) The laying of underground water pipes across the roads are done in accordance with the prescribed standards in terms of measurements in depth
13/11/2018 |
Adopted |
11 |
Aware that article 43(1) provides that every person has a right to health care services, further aware that such rights may not be realized unless the Government puts in place proper mechanism to attain sustainable health care; nothing that National Hospital Insurance Fund Act recognizes the rights of every adult to contribute to the Fund; Cognizant that the general public has not fully appreciated the benefits of NHIF hence low number of contributors; Recognizing that majority of Kenyans are financially unstable therefore may not afford the high costs of treatment; Appreciating that the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) has rolled out a Programme to sensitize Kenyans to register with the Fund in a bid to relieve the from high medical bills, NOW THEREFORE, This house resolves that the county government to consider exploring mechanisms of partnering with NHIF to conduct sensitization program in all Wards in the county and further to involve the offices of Members of the County Assembly in the program.
Hon. Doreen Korir |
14/11/2018 |
14/11/2018 |
Adopted |
AWARE that Article 42 of the Constitution provides that every person has a right to a clean and healthy environment, which includes the right “To have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through legislative and other measures…”
Further aware that Part 2 of the fourth Schedule in the Constitution of Kenya also explicitly provides that the County Governments shall be responsible for; refuse removal, refuse dumps and solid waste disposal; Appreciating that population in Nakuru County is steadily growing especially in urban settlements leading to human activities which generate large quantities of solid waste; Concerned that the county government does not have a proper solid waste management systems especially in Nakuru town thus spillage of garbage in most parts of the streets; Noting that Waste can be sorted into recyclable, bio-degradable, and hazardous; This House resolves that the County Government through the Ministry of Energy, Environment and Natural Resources provides A) Labeled litter bins for recyclable waste and non-recyclable waste in the major streets of Nakuru town at a distance of not more than 50 meters apart. B) installing suitable facilities in every shopping Centers across the county for temporarily holding waste/ garbage awaiting weekly collection
Hon. Elizabeth Gichuki |
15/8/2018 |
22/8/2018 |
Adopted |
12 |
THAT, Aware that Article 43 of the Constitution provides for, among other matters, the right to the highest attainable standard of health which includes the right to health care service; further, aware that lifestyle diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension among other diseases have been on the rise in Nakuru county due to lack of proper preventive strategies; Noting that primary prevention and screening for chronic diseases are considered the best strategy to curtail the rise; Cognizant that big percentage of the residents of Nakuru county are economically disadvantaged thus may not afford screening services offered at a fee; Concerned that continuous absence of preventive strategies is likely to transfer economic burden of treatment and management of the chronic diseases to an already financially challenged population: NOW THEREFORE, , This House resolves that the County Government through the CEC Health services, in consultation with the County Assembly Members develops a comprehensive Annual program for conducting comprehensive and exhaustive screening and other primary prevention services for cancer, diabetes, hypertension and other chronic diseases in all wards on rotational basis. |
Hon. Peter Mbae |
9th April, 2019 |
Adopted |
13 |
THAT, aware that Article 73(2)(d) and (e) of the Constitution of Kenya provides for accountability of a state officer to the public, for decisions and actions as a key guiding principle of leadership and integrity, further aware that Article 183 of the Constitution and section 36(1) of the County Governments Act, 2012 provides for the functions of the County Executive Committee; Noting that section 40 of the county governments Act, 2012 provides for grounds upon which a County Executive Committee Member may be removed from office; Cognizant that the House, on 26th March, 2019 debated a Report of the Committee on Transport and Public Works which raised pertinent issues on the conduct of the Eng. Lucy Kariuki, , this Assembly RESOLVES to remove Eng. Lucy Kariuki from the office of County Executive Committee Member, Infrastructure on the following grounds: a) Incompetence i. Failure to implement and coordinate the programs in the department of Roads and Public Works, specifically mishandling of the Boresha Barabara Program that has led to incompletion of roads in the county despite the county Assembly appropriating funds for the projects. ii. Failure to offer leadership and general coordination and supervisor of the operations in the Roads department including, bad working relationship with officers in the department leading to inefficiency and sabotage. b) Gross Misconduct Failure to honor committee invitations without justifiable reasons contrary to the provisions of Article 195 of the constitution. The CEC failed to honor eight, out of twelve invitations to appear before the committee on transport and Public Works. c) Abuse of Office i. Continuous interference with the procurement process in the department of Infrastructure, contrary to the provisions of Public Procurement and disposal Act, 2015. The CEC orders procurement that falls within the department of Infrastructure to be conducted in the department of Health. ii. Use of derogatory and disrespectful language when engaging members of the county Assembly. The CEC in extreme cases profiled members based on their ethnicity and locality, an act that could easily trigger tribal animosity
Hon. Michael Machembu |
25/06/2019 |
Passed. |
14 |
THAT, WHEREAS Article 43 of the Constitution provides for among other matters, rights to the highest attainable standards of health including health care services; Aware that most residents of Nakuru, especially the indigents may not attain such constitutional rights owing to their economic status ; cognizant that the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) offers affordable medical cover to all Kenyans upon fulfilling certain conditions; NOW THEREFORE, This house resolves that The County government through the Departments of Culture and Social Services, Heath and the Treasury to come up with criteria for identifying the vulnerable persons in each ward with a view of providing such persons with free medical cover as espoused in the Jubilee Big Four agenda.
17/07/2019 |
Hon. Karanja Mburu |
30/07/2019 |
Adopted |
15. |
THAT, aware that Article 54 of the constitution enumerates the entitlements of persons with disability including rights to reasonable access to all places and public transport, rights to be treated with dignity and respect, right to access educational institutions and facilities for persons with disability; Further aware that section 21 of the Persons with Disability Act, 2013 provides that Persons with disabilities are entitled to a barrier-free and disability-friendly environment to enable them have access to buildings, roads and other social amenities, and assistive devices to promote their mobility; Noting that most county government office buildings do not have disability friendly equipments therefore denying them their constitutional rights to access all places; Cognizant that failure to provide disability friendly facilities is tantamount to violation of the rights of persons with disability and by extension an affront to the constitutional provisions; NOW THEREFORE, this house resolve that the county government to immediately commence inspection of all County government buildings and ensure compliance with constitution in terms of accessibility and mobility for persons with Disability.
17/07/2019 |
Hon. Philip Rotich |
17/07/2019 |
passed |
16 |
THAT, WHEREAS Article 43 of the Constitution provides for among other matters, rights to the highest attainable standards of health including health care services; Aware that most residents of Nakuru, especially the indigents may not attain such constitutional rights owing to their economic status ; cognizant that the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) offers affordable medical cover to all Kenyans upon fulfilling certain conditions; NOW THEREFORE, This house resolves that The County government through the Departments of Culture and Social Services, Heath and the Treasury to come up with criteria for identifying the vulnerable persons in each ward with a view of providing such persons with free medical cover.
17/09/2019 |
Hon. Karanja Mburu. |
30/07/2019 |
passed |
17 |
THAT whereas article 41 (1) of the constitution provides that every worker has a right to reasonable working conditions; further Aware that the Occupational Safety and Health Act , 2007 provides for among other matters, the duties of occupiers including: making arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances; provision of information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the safety and health at work of every person employed; Appreciating that Nakuru County has licensed several firms to undertake various economic activities; Noting that some companies have not fully complied with the provisions of the law on safety thus leading to accidents which, in some instances have caused severely disability; Acknowledging that victims of accidents are not compensated by firms due to lack of group life insurance cover. NOW THEREFORE, this House resolves that all firms operating in the county be compelled to have appropriate insurance cover for their employees.
17/09/2019 |
Hon. Mary Waiganjo |
18/09/2019 |
Passed |
18 |
THAT, WHEREAS the fourth schedule to the Constitution devolves pre- primary education function to the County Governments; Acknowledging that the purpose of pre- primary education is to support children’s growth, provide them with knowledge and skills needed in life and to improve children capacity for learning; Appreciating that there exists several Early childhood education centers in Nakuru County both as independent and dependent on the primary schools; Noting that the County Government in every financial year allot funds to support early childhood education through construction of the learning blocs, recruitment of teachers and provision of meals Concerned that a number of Early Childhood Education centers across the county especially independent are not captured in the database of the department of Education, ICT & e-Government hence may not enjoy the support offered by the County Government; NOWTHEREFORE, This house resolves that the County Government through the Department of Education, ICT & e-Government, to commence registration of all unregistered early childhood education centers to make them eligible for County Government support.
17/09/2019 |
Hon. Peter Mbae. |
18/09/2019 |
Passed. |
19. |
Aware that autism is a developmental disorder of neurobiological origin that can have lifelong effects in social interaction, ability to communicate ideas and feelings, imagination and establishment of relationships; Noting that Autism is one of the categories in special education and is a serious, lifelong and disabling condition and without the right support it can have a profound effect on individuals and families; Concerned that many children with disabilities in our Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers drop out due to unconducive school environment occasioned by the lack of equipment and facilities; This House urges the County Government to; 1. Establish and construct specific classrooms for children with special needs to accommodate autistic learners with a learning space that is appropriately modified and furnished with special equipment and learning materials as needed to accommodate their educational needs with an eventual goal of integration with neuro-typical students where applicable. 2. Provide early and accurate diagnosis of autism; train and employ teachers, paraprofessionals and multidisciplinary personnel such as Speech and Occupational therapists as needed who are certified and well trained in effective Autism intervention techniques backed by science and research such as applied behaviors Analysis and individualized educational plans. 3. Have a referral system for severe autism cases. 4. Establish a committee to address non-compliance and violations with the primary objective being of mastering academic goals to ensure that interventions are accessible and effective to guarantee the success of inclusive education for learners diagnosed with autism.
Hon. Karanja Mburu
Passed |
20. |
THAT , whereas this House appropriates finances to among other programmes, finance development projects each financial year; Aware that numerous projects have been, and continue to be implemented each financial year in accordance with the procurement laws; Cognizant that every project has a specified implementation period that should be adhered pursuant to the provisions of section 135 of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act; Noting that the County Government of Nakuru has witnessed undue delay in completion of projects across the fifty five wards due to laxity exhibited by some contractors now therefore, this house resolves that the County Government profiles and blacklists, for a specified period, all the contractors who have failed to complete projects within the set timelines without justifiable reasons .
Hon. Erick Gichuki
Passed |
21. |
THAT whereas section 29 of the Urban Areas and Cities Act 2011 read together with section 16 of the Urban Areas and Cities Amendment Act 2019 provides for competitive appointment of Municipal Manager; Aware that this house adopted the Nakuru and Naivasha Municipality Charters which among other matters provides for the procedures for appointing the Municipal Board Manager cognizant that at the time of the approval of the charters, the County Government did not have the County Public Service Board in place hence making it impossible to recruit the managers. Appreciating that this house has since vetted and approved for appointment, members of the County Public Service Board; now therefore, this house resolves that the County Public Service Board immediately commences the process of recruitment of the Municipal Board Managers for Naivasha and Nakuru municipalities in accordance with the provisions of the Urban Areas and Cities Act.
Hon. Peter Nyaguthii |
Passed |
22. |
That aware that Article 178 of the Constitution provides that each County Government shall have the County Executive Members, further aware that Article 183 of the Constitution and section 36 of the County Governments Act, 2012 provides for the functions of the Executive Committee Members; noting that the functions provided for herein are crucial in the operations of a County Government; appreciating that his house vetted and approved for appointment the County Executive Committee Members in various County Government departments; concerned that the department of infrastructure does not have a substantive CEC hence delaying implementation of crucial projects in the County; further concerned that the acting CECM for infrastructure holds a substantive office that is equally demanding therefore unable to effectively double up as CECM , infrastructure. Now therefore this house resolves that H.E the Governor nominates and forwards to the Assembly, substantive County Executive Committee Member for infrastructure for further consideration in line with Article 179(1)(b) of the Constitution.
Hon. Stanley Karanja
Passed |
23. |
That, this House approves the formation of an Adhoc committee to coordinate and act as a linkage between the Assembly and the County Government of Nakuru COVID 19 Emergency Response Committee as follows- Hon Symon Mwangi -Rongai Hon George Kiere -Njoro Hon. Kamau Githengi- Nakuru Town West Hon. Mary Waiganjo -Subukia Hon. Micheal Machembu-Bahati Hon. Kariuki Mugi -Gilgil Hon. Njuguna Mwaura- Molo Hon. Karanja Mburu- Naivasha Hon. Cyrus Mitei- Kuresoi North Hon. Rose Chepkoech-Kuresoi South Hon. Eddy Kiragu -Nakuru Town East
Leader of majority party
Passed |
24. |
Aware, that this House passed a supplementary budget to among other issues address the global pandemic of COVID 19; Further Aware that H.E the Governor appointed Sub County and Ward COVID 19 Emergency Response Committees as part of its preparedness to respond to the COVID 19 Noting this House approved the formation of an ad hoc committee to coordinate and act as a linkage between the County Assembly and the County Government of Nakuru COVID 19 emergency response committees, now therefore this house urges the County Executive to observe guidelines; 1. That all ward committees should meet officially and come up with modalities to identify the beneficiaries by Monday, 20th April 2020. 2. That all committees should have the list of beneficiaries ready by Friday 24th April, 2020 3. That the county COVID 19 response committee shall deal with oversight and policy guidelines. 4. That the ward committee shall be the basic unit of interpretation and implementation of all policy guidelines from the county committee as follows: a) Carry out training and capacity building on all actors and public on Covid 19 response b) Carry out all information and education initiatives to the public on Covid 19 c) Activate early warning systems on Covid 19 and other preventive measures d) Identify all vulnerable cases to benefit from any social welfare assistance from the county Government e) Coordinate with other groups within the wards including Assistant County Commissioner, community health workers and volunteers and other actors to achieve the above . 5. That each of the 55 wards in the county has been allocated Kshs 3.7 million and an additional Kshs 1.5 million for 30 wards. 6. Procurement of all supplies to be done at the ward level
7. That all purchases shall be exclusively sourced from the ward and in cases where such supplies are not available, the same shall be noted in a full committee meeting with requisite quorum before supplies are sourced elsewhere
8. The quorum of the ward committees shall be two thirds, which shall be observed at all times for decisions to be made. For ward committees, the ward administrator shall be the secretary.
9. The elected and nominated MCAS shall be ex official members of the ward committees.
10. The funds to the wards may be utilized as follows;
a) purchase of foodstuffs b) purchase of non-foodstuffs including supply of water, waste management, sanitizers, soap, gloves, masks and other provisions in fight against covid 19 c) purchase of farm inputs
12. That donations shall be distributed to various villages and sub locations in respect to the population census report 2020 to observe rules of equity, equality and regional balance
13. That donations from individual and organizations may present their support to the Sub County and Ward committees in addition to the County committee.
Hon. Peter Mbae
Passed |
25. |
Whereas the Fourth schedule to the Constitution distributes Agriculture function including crop production and animal husbandry to County Governments Noting that Agriculture is the main economic mainstay in Nakuru County the County Government of Nakuru through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries came with a program of livestock registration with Kenya livestock breeders organisation through Kenya stud book (KSB) whose headquarters are located in Nakuru; Cognizant that registration offers a wide range of benefits to our farmers, example monitoring performance of the animal at the farm level, form the basis in making management decisions , value addition registered and recorded stock fetch better prices in the market compared to unregistered ones; a registered dairy cow fetches Kshs 80,000 to Kshs 350,000 while unregistered one fetches about Kshs 20,000 to 100,000 , ease in sourcing information on marketing of livestock through the records of livestock through the data in Kenya Stud Book , act as resource materials for research by research institutions and efficient registration leads to informed advice on increased production hence improvement in County and National food security Aware that animals registered includes cattle(dairy and beef) , goats(dairy and meat), sheep(wool and meat) pigs rabbits camels and charges are as follows; class cost pool(cross breed) kshs 200, foundation cow kshs 250, intermediate cow Kshs 300, appendix cow kshs 300 pedigree cow kshs 400, dairy bulls only pedigree kshs 1,000 and charges are made once in the lifetime of an animal Now therefore, this house resolves that the County government through the department of Agriculture to train ten (10) trainer of trainers (TOT) from each ward who will thereafter train the farmers in the wards.
Hon. Moses Kamau
Passed |
26. |
THAT, Aware that Nakuru County hosts National Park and game reserves that are homes to various species of wildlife, Further aware that these wildlife acts as tourist attraction thus markets Nakuru County as a Tourism destination; Noting that wild animals especially baboons and monkeys roam freely along the Nakuru-Naivasha highway hence prompting travelers to feed them by throwing food containers from moving vehicles; concerned that these acts often results to traffic build-up and poses extreme danger to the wildlife; further concerned that close contact of human- wildlife if not monitored , may lead to contracting of communicable diseases; Now therefore, this House resolves that the County Government through the Department of Trade and Cooperative Development erects billboards at designated areas along the highway to warn commuters against feeding the wild animals.
Hon. Gladys Kairu
Passed |
27. |
THAT, whereas Article 54 of the Constitution of Kenya gives rights and entitlements to persons with disabilities including access to use of sign language, braille or other appropriate means of communication; further aware that Section 20 of the Persons with Disability Act,2003 provides for mechanisms for ensuring the rights of such persons are upheld, in specific, availing field medical personnel to local health institutions for the benefit of persons with disabilities, prompt attendance by medical personnel to persons with disabilities among others; Concerned that most health facilities in the County have not put in place measures to assist persons with visual and hearing impairment when seeking medical services, Cognizant that failure to put in place such measures is against the provisions of the Constitution and a violation of the rights of persons with disability, this House resolves that the County Government employs appropriate persons including sign language interpreters to be deployed in each Sub-County hospital.
Hon. Rose Karugi
28. |
THAT, aware that Part Two of the fourth schedule to the Constitution assigns Agriculture function to the County Governments, further aware that Agriculture is the main economic activity in Nakuru County, Appreciating that the National Government in consultation with the County Government distributes free fertilizers to support farmers across the County; Concerned that the criteria set by the Government for farmers to access free fertilizer only recognizes availing Title Deeds as proof of land ownership, further concerned that most farmers in Dundori, Bahati, Kabatini and other areas through a formal arrangement with the Forestry Department ,practices “shamba system” of farming. Noting that the criteria as currently applied does not recognize such arrangements therefore denying the affected farmers, access to free fertilizers. This House urges the Department of Agriculture to explore the inter-governmental relations mechanisms available to recognize the shamba system farmers and make them eligible to access free fertilizers.
Hon. Michael Machembu
Passed |
29. |
THAT, whereas article 43 of the Constitution of Kenya states that every person has a right to education; aware that most families in the county are low income earners hence may not afford to finance post primary education; Appreciating that this House appropriates financial resources every fiscal year to among other matters support students from poor backgrounds attain secondary and higher education; Cognizant that the monies allocated for purposes of bursary is not based on any demographics therefore disadvantages wards with huge population, This house resolves that the going forward, the county government through the Department of Education and Vocational training comes up with a formula of disbursing the bursary fund based on the population of eligible beneficiaries in each ward using the latest population census.
Hon. Njuguna Mwaura
Passed |