In early 80s and 90s, Pyrethrum farming was a source of income to many of our Nakuru county residents. But due to cartels and corruption, the sector diminished.
But that narrative will soon change, after we joined the Governor Hon. Lee Kinyanjui together with the Members of the County Assembly to the launch of the Pyrethrum revival program in Kuresoi North sirikwa ward at the Karlo farm Nakuru County.
This great initiative is meant to empower our local farmers to take up the farming of Pyrethrum in a bid to revive this market so that Nakuru County can continue to be known as the hub of Pyrethrum farming.
On behalf of the county assembly of Nakuru, we pledge to pass the necessary policies that will boost the Pyrethrum industry.
Recently, the Nakuru county assembly passed Sh29 million in the supplementary budget to be used to boost pyrethrum, avocado and macadamia growing across the county.
The revival of this cash crop will employ thousands of youths and enable farmers to earn good money that will improve their livelihoods.