Nakuru County Assembly Background
Nakuru County Council is one of the largest counties in the Republic of Kenya, East Africa. It is home to a population of around 1,6 million, living on some 5,000 square kilometers in the central part of the country. The Nakuru area has a rich and fascinating history, with human settlements dating back more than 3,000 years. The population is very diverse, with residents that have migratory background from different parts of the country.
According to 2002 government statistics, on a population total of 1,312,555, the youth population up to age 25 years was 56%. The percentage of pre-primary and primary school going age residents was 31%, and the County’s total labour force population (age 15-64) was 54%. The population growth rate is 3.4%.
The rural population is estimated to be 65%, with the remaining 35% living in towns and villages of 2,000 inhabitants and over. The County has nine towns with a population of over 2,000 people. There are about 400,000 households, 25% of which are female headed. The number of disabled is 3% and the absolute poverty in the rural areas is 45% and in the urban areas 41%.
Nakuru County is the home of pre-historic mankind since a million years. Some 3,500 years ago at five kilometers from what is now Nakuru Town, was a village of about 1,000 people and semi-permanent homes. In the colonial days, the area attracted white settlers who successfully began to exploit its agricultural potential. Nakuru was linked to the Uganda railway and became a centre of trade and industrial activity.
The County Council of Nakuru was established in 1974 as one of the Local authorities of Kenya charged with the responsibility of providing social services to its residents. The administrative set-up follows an organization of local authorities suitable for a developing country like Kenya, with 50 elected Councillors representing 50 wards and 19 nominated Councillors. The Council Chairman is Councillor John Murigu Kamau and the Vice Chairman is Councillor Wilfred Kipyegon R. Kirui. The County Clerk is J Malinda and the Deputy County Clerk B J Kaingu.
At the time of Independence in 1963, it was realized that building a County Hall with offices was essential for a more economic and effective control of the new administrative and technical organization. It was estimated that the new County Hall would cost £50,000, inclusive of the Council Chamber. Plans were approved and realized, and the County Hall was officially opened on 23 October 1967 by the First President of Kenya, His Excellency Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.
The County Council of the Central Rift comprised two administrative districts, namely Nakuru and Baringo Districts. The Council had under its administration the Area Councils of Naivasha, Nakuru, Molo, Londiani, North Baringo and South Baringo. This vast area covered seven thousand square miles with a population of about four hundred thousand people of different ethnic groups and diverse ways of life. This was under the regional (Majimbo) system of government. The Council of the Central Rift was disbanded in 1974 and the County Council of Nakuru as we know it today was formed. This comprised only the Naivasha and Nakuru areas.
The boundaries were established at Mau Summit, Olenguruone, Kiptunga, Tipis, Lengatua, Ole-Kurto, Maiela, Milili, Suswa, Kijabe (bordering Kiambu), Keriton Hill (bordering Nyandarua), National Youth Service Karunga Hill (Gilgil), Gitare Centre, Kariandusi, Kasambara, Ngorika, Dundori Centre, Equator (next to Laikipia), Mbogoine, Lower Solai, Kisanana, Mogotio (Molo River boundary), Makutano, and Ndoinet.
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