Nakuru County Assembly resumed on Tuesday 5th June 2018 for the Second Part of the Assembly after a one month recess.
Speaker Joel Kairu welcomed and called upon the Honorable members to reflect on their achievements in the legislative and oversight arena since they were sworn into office.
Mr. Kairu congratulated the house for passing the Nakuru County Revenue Allocation Act 2018 whose objective is to ensure equity in distribution of resources among the 55 wards.
“I wish to sincerely congratulate you members for the spirited fight that culminated to the passage of historic legislation that will greatly impact development in our county,” Speaker Kairu said.
In addition, he commended the House for debating and adopting a total of eight substantive motions touching on various sectors in the County such as Health, Agriculture, Lands, Transport and Environment.
The Speaker also noted that three bills are still at the committee stages.
The bills are;
1. Nakuru County Valuation and Rating Bill no. 2 of 2017 – Committee on Lands, Housing and Physical Planning
2. The Nakuru County Land Management Bill no. 3 of 2017 – Committee on Lands, Housing and Physical Planning
3. The Nakuru County Housing, Estate, Tenancy and Management Bill no 4. Of 2017 – Committee on Lands, Housing and Physical Planning
Honorable members were urged to expedite the process of public participation on the said bills bearing in mind the timelines as stipulated in the standing orders 123(4).
The house committees were also informed to consider and review the budget estimates in accordance with timelines.