A report by of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and E-government committee has recommended the County Executive to automate all revenue streams to curb losses.
While tabling the report which was later adopted by the house, committee chairman Hon. Zacharia Kahiro Kirichi said that with the implementation of the recommendations, there will be a significant increase in revenue collection allowing voluntary compliance by customers.
“The use of technology will increase integrity, transparency and reliability of the revenue administration and management system,’ said the Chairman.
He added that an increase in the revenue will translate to more developmental projects done in the grass root levels hence fostering service delivery to the tax payers.
The report also recommended that the county government through ICT Department procure a County Operations Management System (COMS) and register all county employees in the system to eradicate absentee employees and ‘ghost’ workers in the system.
COMS is mandated to monitor operations and works of the staff in the county by acting as an attendance register. With COMS, the county government workers will able to record daily tasks, thereby contributing to effective performance evaluation.
The committee’s objectives were to establish legislative and oversight roles on information systems and revenue automation, access Integration of ICT in revenue collection.
The Chairman added that the committee was also to find out the policies that will provide for and implement automation of revenue collection in Nakuru County.