Addendum Notice of Extension of Tenders & Pre-qualification 2014-15 until 24th September 2014,12.00 pm.
Reference the actual advert as advertised on Daily papers, Daily Nation, The Standard Newspaper and The Star on 19th September 2014. Addendum 2014-15 Tender Prequalification As Advertised.
Important instructions on Accessing and Downloading the 2014-15 Pre-qualification & Tender documents
They were advertised on Daily papers, The Standard Newspaper and The Star on 6th September 2014.Reference the actual advert; 2014-15 Tender Prequalification As Advertised.
A) Applications for prequalification and tenders must be submitted enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with the tender name and reference number and deposited in the tender box at County Assembly or to be addressed to Clerk to County Assembly, County Assembly of Nakuru, P.O Box 907-20100 Nakuru so as to be received on or before 19th September 2014 at 12:00pm.
B) All candidates whose applications will have been received before the closing date and time will be advised in due course, of the results of their applications. Only candidates prequalified under this prequalification and tendering process will be invited to tender and supply respectively.
C) The name and mailing address of the applicant must not be marked on the envelope.
Amendment Note! There has been changes made at 11.00 Am on Monday 8th Sept’ 2014 to the three Tender documents
namely; (No.3 -Medical ,No.4-General Insurance, No.9 -Motor Vehicle) below;
Further Amendment Note! There has been changes made at 7.00 PM on Tuesday 9th Sept’ 2014 to the no.3 -Medical Tender document only,as cover limits has been changed below;
Further Amendment Note! There has been changes made at 12.35 AM on Thursday 11th Sept’ 2014 to the No.4-General Insurance document only,The annual earnings for GROUP PERSONAL ACCIDENT and WIBA have being updated below;
Further Amendment Note! There has been changes made at 3.40 PM on Tuesday 16th Sept’ 2014 to the No.10-Computer Software which have being updated below;